Monday, July 24, 2017

I Honor My Wife

Today’s Bible Reading:  Isaiah 40-42; 1 Peter 3

Journal Entry on a passage from today’s reading:
Topic: Marriage

SCRIPTURE:  1 Peter 3:7

Husbands… be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers. (1 Peter 3:7 NIV)


Three points of observation strike me in this verse of scripture:

1.  The use of the word “with” – live with your wife… treat her with respect… she is an heir with you of life.

2.  Treat her with respect as the weaker partner. Generally speaking women may be physically weaker than men on average, but the real point has little to do with physical strength but rather a strength of character that honors her by expending my strength for her.

3.  If I fail to thus honor my wife, my prayers may be hindered.


There is a direct correlation between my closeness to God and my closeness to my wife. There is a direct correlation between my prayers being heard and answered, and how I am treating my wife. The gift of fullness of life is incomplete without her. The most important relationship in my life, next to my relationship with God, is with my wife. I may surmise that if I do not give my all for her, my God takes it personally.


Lord, as You formed the perfect woman for Adam and brought her to him, the greatest gift I have received in this life is the wife whom You brought to me. I love and honor her as I love and honor You. Grant unto me the strength to continue to give of myself fully to her all the days of our lives.
Through Christ. Amen.  –AP

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