Friday, May 5, 2017

God's Chosen People

Today’s Bible Reading:  2 Samuel 10; 1 Chronicles 20; Psalm 20; Matthew 22
Topic: Salvation

SCRIPTURE:  Matthew 22:1-14

This passage tells Jesus’ parable of the wedding banquet. A king sent out invitations to certain recipients to a wedding banquet for his son, but the invitees refused to come (vv. 2-7). So the invitation was extended to “anyone” (vv. 8-10). However, only those covered with the proper wedding attire were allowed to enjoy the feast (vv. 11-13). Then at the conclusion of the parable Jesus says, “For many are invited, but few are chosen” (v. 14 NIV).


It is interesting that Jesus uses the word chosen (Greek eklektos) in verse 14. Who are God’s elect, His “chosen” people? The descendents of Jacob (Israel) were known as “God’s chosen people,” but when they rejected Jesus, the Son of God, the chosen people became any and all who would accept Him—who would accept the invitation to receive His covering and thus be made worthy to dwell in His presence—to be enjoined to the wedding feast. Even with this worldwide invitation, still the only people who are saved from the outer darkness (v. 13) are those who have been covered by Christ’s righteousness (the wedding clothes)—those who have received Christ Jesus, God’s Son, and through Him have received the forgiveness of their sin.


Who are God’s elect? Are some people chosen and some predestined to be rejected? We are assured in Scripture that God is not willing that anyone be lost (see Mt 18:14, 2 Pe 3:9). He gives everyone the same invitation! It is each person’s choice whether or not to accept the invitation. To be admitted into His kingdom we must accept His invitation, repent and be forgiven of our sin, and enter the banquet with His covering over us.


Thank You Lord that I am counted among Your chosen. I have accepted Your invitation and have received Your covering, Hallelujah! Now it is my privilege to be one of Your servants extending Your invitation to all. May Your Holy Spirit attend me as I pursue this mission at Your bidding.

In Christ Jesus. Amen.  –AP

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